Trans in Japan: Sterilisation and legal gender recognition
BBC News
Produced, directed and edited by Natalia Zuo
Filmed by Sybilla Patrizia
Executive produced by Claire Williams
Camera Assitant and Sound Recording: Jayce Ong
Additional Sound Recording: Paul Doroshevic
At least 38 countries have seen reports of involuntary sterilisation over the past 20 years, with some of those cases involving women being sterilised against their will whilst giving birth. The UN Special Rapporteur on the right to health has voiced her concerns to the BBC describing the practice as "gross, inhumane and degrading". The BBC hears from people in South Africa and Japan who say they have experienced forced or involuntary sterilisation.

本人が望まない不妊手術はこの20年で少なくとも38か国で報告されている。出産時に不妊手術が行われたケースもある。「健康の権利」国連特別報告者はBBC に対し、そうした行いは「野蛮で非人道的で尊厳を傷つける」として懸念を示した。BBCが実態を調査した。

- Texts via BBC World News
